Be present to others you care for without saying word 

Keep a finger on your screen for 30 seconds and let the magic of a heallo happen!

Heallo is new way for us all to be present to those we care for even when we lack words and time. 

One-on-one heallo

Give 30 seconds of your presence
to someone you care for

Group gathering

Come together as a group of friends or family and feel the strength of your communion

Public Gathering

Support a public cause that resonates with you by offering your mindful presence

Alice - 33 years old

My friend is sick and it's just really hard to find the right words to express my feelings. So we connect on Heallo in real time and it's so nice and easy to share a pure moment of love and positive thoughts.

Nicholas - 45 years old

Surrounding our friends with love isn't always easy. We simply can't call them so often. So gathering on Heallo feels great. There is a lot of healing going on. And really nothing like it.

Adrien - 25 years old

My grandparents mean the world to me. I call them but not so that often. So I send them heallos as well and they love receiving my drawings! It's fun to do and they really are super happy whenever we say heallo to each other.

Dorotea - 57 years old

I feel gratitude for what life has given me and keeps on giving me everyday. Heallo is a place for me to show this gratitude, to give positive energy with other users on public gatherings is now part of my daily routine. It fills me with joy.

Spreading love, one heallo at a time

Join the Movement 

Your heart will know when to say Heallo

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